Welcome To Clean Beauty Obsessions

Hi! I am Daphnie. I am an esthetician and beauty writer. I specialize in all things clean beauty, from hair cosmetics, skincare to makeup application.

I love helping others find the right products that work for them. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge through writing, so that everyone can learn more about how to use clean beauty products safely.

My Clean Beauty Journey

My journey with skincare and beauty product ingredients started when I got interested in skincare and started my journey into esthetics. I learned so much about ingredients, what was really in most of our products, and I got some education on what those unpronounceable ingredients actually mean. This helped me to become super mindful of my skin and the products that I use in general.

Once I got into skincare, then I started learning about natural body products, hair products, and makeup. I learned so much about the effect on our bodies and our health that some of these products can do to us. Ultimately, it’s more than just combating dry hair or breakouts, but rather keeping ourselves as natural and healthy as possible, while still enjoying our beauty products.

This is when I realized that this is a huge problem and women need to know what they’re putting on their skin and body! I stopped purchasing the same products and brands that I used to and I took a chance on some cleaner brands or products to replace them. I was so happy knowing that my products were working perfectly but they were also non-toxic and safe for me to use.

Your Clean Beauty Problems & Pain Points

It can be difficult to find clean beauty products or to know when a product is clean or not. You might not really know where to start and you might not know what to look for. Maybe you’ve noticed your hair is always dry, or your makeup seems to cause your skin to break out, or you’ve found your body to be irritated after using certain products.

No matter the issue, switching to cleaner alternatives is a guaranteed solution to ease all your worries. With this being said, I’ve been there and I’m here to help you on your clean beauty journey! It’s important to know what the harmful ingredients are to watch out for so that you can avoid them when looking for new products to try.

Here’s How I Can Help You Solve Your Problems

Knowing where to start can be difficult, but having a place to go to guide you is essential. I’ll be giving you all sorts of tips, tricks, ingredient lists, and advice when it comes to shopping clean and how to make the switch. It’s super important for our bodies to be mindful of what we’re putting on it and this is the first step to giving your body what it deserves.

The goal here is to educate women and those using beauty products on the effects of our traditional products versus the clean beauty alternative. Now that I’ve gone through the training and my own journey to clean beauty, I’m making it a mission to help others who are looking into the same lifestyle.

As clean beauty grows and becomes more popular, people are starting to pay attention to those ingredient lists and look into the effects of their products. I’m here to help you find the best products, understand that list of ingredients, and overall help you to find the best clean products for your clean beauty journey.

My Qualifications, Experience & Certifications

I have been a beauty lover my whole life, from watching YouTube tutorials, doing my own artistic makeup, having my own beauty YouTube channel, and then diving into the skincare world as an esthetician. Going through the courses for esthetics is where I learned so much about the importance of clean beauty and how it can affect us in more than one way.

My love for clean beauty has grown since esthetics schooling and it has become a huge part of my life and how I shop for new products. I have years of experience in this field and it’s personally just an interest of mine as well.

I’m big on being able to enjoy beauty, facials, skincare, and body products, but doing it in a way that we aren’t harming our bodies. Follow along for more information and advice on how to make your way through your clean beauty journey, what products are best, and just overall advice on what clean beauty is.

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